Resilient Reiner

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Nicole Burnett

28 January 2025

10m 13s

#146 This Is Cowgirl Spirit



What makes a true cowgirl spirit?

It’s not the price tag on the horse or the accolades on the wall—it’s the heart, grit, and unshakable belief in yourself and your partnership with your horse. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a heartfelt story about one of my clients who embodies this spirit. Her journey is proof that success isn’t about the easy path or the fanciest horse—it’s about showing up with courage, connection, and commitment every single day.

This episode is a love letter to the riders out there who pour their hearts into their horses, even when the odds are stacked against them. If you’ve ever doubted yourself or your horse, or if someone has ever told you to “just get a different one,” this episode is for you. Let’s talk about what it really means to be a cowgirl in spirit and action.

If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag me on Instagram @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner. Share this episode with your community, and I’d love to hear all about your experience! Don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes—it helps more riders discover the podcast and join this incredible community.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Why the hardest path is often the most rewarding.
  • The difference between chasing accolades and building a true bond with your horse.
  • How the "cowgirl spirit" translates to resilience, belief, and unstoppable determination.
  • Why having an expensive horse doesn’t guarantee success—and what truly does.
  • How to develop the mental toughness and connection needed to achieve the “impossible” with your horse.

Questions I Answer:

  • What does it mean to have a cowgirl spirit, and how does that impact your riding journey?
  • How can you stay motivated and confident when working with a challenging horse?
  • Why is it important to prioritize connection over competition?
  • What mental shifts are essential for turning doubt into determination?


Whether your horse is a million-dollar prospect or a quirky rescue, remember this: success comes from the connection, belief, and determination you bring to your partnership. The path may be hard, but it’s also the most rewarding. I’m here to help you every step of the way.

See you next time, cowgirl! 🐎

– Nicole

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