Resilient Reiner

episode artwork

Nicole Burnett

23 July 2024

18m 2s

#119 Become a Better Rider on Your Summer Vacation



Are you unable to fully unwind during your vacation? 

Maybe you're at the beach with the sun on your face, but your mind is still at home, worrying about work, your riding goals, and that endless to-do list. 

Sounds familiar, rightttt? 

In today's episode, we're going to explore how your summer vacation can serve double duty for your growth as a rider AND having fun. Imagine coming back not just refreshed, but more focused, confident, and connected with your horse than ever before. I’ll share personal insights from my recent family vacation, along with practical techniques to help you stay present and harness the power of the moment, whether you’re on vacation or in the saddle. 

If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • How to stay present and focused whether you are lying on the beach or sitting in your saddle 
  • The benefits of being present in the moment for riders
  • Mindfulness exercises to improve your riding performance
  • Practical techniques to stay present and engaged both on vacation and in the saddle

Questions I Answer:

  • How can I stay present and focused when my mind wanders?
  • What are the benefits of being present in the moment for riders?
  • How can mindfulness exercises improve my riding performance?
  • What are some practical techniques to stay present and engaged both on vacation and in the saddle?


Your Step-by-Step A-Z Blueprint for Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆

Break through to the next level in The Mental Gym for Equestrians! 💪 

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Staying present and mindful isn’t just for vacations—it’s a powerful skill that can transform your riding and overall well-being. By consistently nurturing your mindset and focusing on the present moment, you can achieve greater connection with your horse and improve your performance. Growth comes from continuous effort and practice, not from perfection. So, as you enjoy your summer vacation, remember to stay present and see how it positively impacts your riding journey.

Happy trails!