Resilient Reiner

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Nicole Burnett

18 July 2024

15m 19s

#118 Why Your Rider Mindset Matters



Are you putting in all the effort and still not seeing the progress you want in your riding? 

Or perhaps you're struggling with that nagging fear that holds you back just when you're about to make a breakthrough? If so, you're not alone, and this episode is just for you. 

Join me in the world of my clients and the challenges they face as they strive to level up as riders. I’ll be sharing some behind-the-scenes insights into their journeys, the mental barriers they’re overcoming, and the incredible progress they’re making. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable lessons on harnessing your mental strength, building resilience, and developing a winning mindset.

If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The critical role mindset plays in your success as a rider
  • How your mindset influences your resilience and decision making as a rider 
  • Specific challenges my clients face and how we worked through their rider mindset to achieve breakthroughs
  • Why you have to get clear on your mental barriers
  • The role consistency plays in nurturing your mindset to achieve peak performance
  • practical strategies for building resilience, enhancing focus, and cultivating a winning mindset

Questions I Answered:

- What are the common mental barriers riders face when they feel stuck?

- How can riders build resilience and confidence in the saddle?

- Why is mindset such a significant part of a rider’s success?

- How can past experiences and limiting beliefs affect a rider’s performance?

- What to do when you feel like a failure?

- How does mental preparation contribute to long-term success in riding?


Break through to the next level in The Mental Gym for Equestrians! 💪 

Your Step-by-Step Blueprint for Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆

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Remember, nurturing your mindset consistently and believing in your worth are essential for your success as a rider. Your growth comes from continuous effort and those 1% improvements each day, not from perfection. Don’t give up, friend.

Happy trails!