Resilient Reiner

episode artwork

Nicole Burnett

08 September 2023

21m 24s

#31 Stop Riding the Comparison Merry-Go-Round



Ever catch yourself glancing over at another rider and thinking, "Why can't I be that good?" If so, this episode is for you. Nicole dives deep into the pitfalls of comparing yourself to others in the equestrian world and beyond. Spoiler alert: it's a one-way ticket to Self-Doubtville.


What You'll Learn:

  • The metaphor that perfectly encapsulates the self-destructive cycle of comparison.

  • How to shift your focus inward and why it matters for your mental game.

  • Three actionable steps to break free from the web of comparison and foster real growth.


This episode isn't just about becoming a better equestrian; it's about being a happier, more fulfilled individual. If you're tired of letting destructive comparisons steal your joy, saddle up and tune in to find ways to focus on what truly matters.


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