Resilient Reiner

episode artwork

Nicole Burnett

04 June 2024

11m 51s

#105 Should You Ride Patterns At Home?



Won’t it make your horse anticipate if you ride patterns at home? Won’t it ruin your horse and you won’t get an honest effort in the show pen?

But at what cost? Do you ever feel like you don’t really know what you’ll get when you enter the show pen because you don’t ride full patterns at home? 

Can you tell me you truly feel prepared and know yourself, know your horse, know the strengths and weaknesses in your training? How do you really know if you never ride patterns at home? 

Are you as confident as you could be? 

In today’s episode, we’re tackling the art and science of riding patterns – a game-changer for planning, consistency, and confidence in your rides.

Can riding "boring old patterns" truly transform your rides? You’ll learn why I'm a firm advocate for incorporating patterns into your training regimen, even if your current wisdom says it might ruin your horse.

We’ll explore how riding patterns can reveal the hidden gaps in your skills and your horse’s training, and why these gaps are actually golden opportunities for growth. Plus, I'll debunk the myth that patterns lead to anticipation, showing you how the benefits far outweigh the risks. 

If you’re ready to elevate your riding game, gain deeper insights into your training, and build unshakeable confidence, this episode is for you. Let’s transform those random rides into strategic sessions that make you and your horse shine.

Tune in, and let’s ride those patterns together. Your journey to becoming a more thoughtful, consistent, and confident rider starts here.

Happy Trails,


And if this is your jam, ​​join the crew of enthusiastic riders who are already on board in Resilient Reiner Academy: Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence As a Rider! 


➡️ ⬅️


Pssst → As a special thank you to my podcast listeners, use code “PODCAST” at checkout for 10% off. 


Ride with confidence,



Mental Coach & Founder, Resilient Reiner


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