Resilient Reiner

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Nicole Burnett

06 August 2024

18m 24s

#123 I Tell All Of My Clients To STOP Making These 5 Mistakes If They Want To Pull A Check On Their Next Run



Are you ready to level up your game and start pulling checks consistently, run after run? 

In this episode, we're diving into the five most common mistakes that could be holding you back from nailing that perfect run AND how to avoid them! As riders, we often put in endless hours of training, but as a mental coach, I can tell you it’s sometimes the subtle shifts in your mindset and approach that make all the difference. Whether it's overthinking your every move or neglecting a proper mental warm-up, these pitfalls can be costly. But don't worry—I’m here to help you identify and conquer them so you can ride with confidence and precision.

If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I’m curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The top five mistakes riders make that prevent them from pulling a check.
  • How to avoid overthinking during your run and ride with confidence.
  • The importance of a mental warm-up and how it can improve your performance.
  • Tips for tuning into your horse’s signals and building a stronger partnership.
  • Why rushing through patterns can sabotage your score and how to prioritize precision.
  • The value of a post-run review and how it can lead to consistent improvement.

Questions I Answer:

  • What are the most common mistakes riders make that cost them points?
  • How can overthinking impact your performance and how do you overcome it?
  • Why is a mental warm-up as important as a physical one, and how can it change your rides for the better?
  • How can you better understand and respond to your horse’s signals?
  • What are the benefits of slowing down and focusing on precision over speed in your run?
  • How does a post-run review contribute to long-term success in the saddle?


  • Free Masterclass to Develop Your Unshakable Confidence 💪 

Remember, the key to success in the arena isn’t just physical skill—it’s mental preparation, strategy, and a deep connection with your horse. As you listen to this episode, think about how you can implement these strategies in your own riding. Be sure to tag me with your takeaways and share this episode with your riding buddies who might need a boost in their performance. I’m here to support you every step of the way!

Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!