Resilient Reiner

episode artwork

Nicole Burnett

16 July 2024

20m 24s

#117 10 Mindset Shifts Critical to Your Success As A Rider



Have you ever felt that frustrating pang of jealousy when you see another rider effortlessly glide into a perfect lope, while you’re still struggling with crowhops? 

Do you find yourself comparing your journey to others, wondering if you'll ever reach that level of ease and confidence? 

In this episode, we're going to tackle those feelings head-on and transform them into powerful motivators for your own success. Together, we’ll uncover the 10 critical mindset shifts that will not only help you overcome these challenges but also elevate your riding to new heights.

If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

You will learn about the essential mindset shifts that can make or break your success as a rider. We’ll explore ten specific changes in thinking that helped me transition from frustration to triumph, and how you can apply these shifts in your own riding journey. Additionally, we’ll discuss practical self-talk strategies to manage jealousy and stay focused on your own progress, helping you to build a more positive and productive mindset.

Questions I Answer:

  • How can I stop comparing myself to other riders and focus on my own journey?
  • What are some practical mindset shifts that can help improve my riding performance?
  • How can I deal with feelings of jealousy when I see others succeeding?
  • What should I say to myself to stay motivated and positive during challenging times?
  • How can I develop an abundance mindset and cheer for others' successes?


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Be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner when you share your thoughts on this episode. I am so excited to hear how these mindset shifts and strategies are helping you on your riding journey. Remember, the only rider you need to be better than is the rider you were yesterday. Let’s get out there and ride with confidence and joy!

Happy Trails,
